Temple Shalom
of Central Florida
Temple Shalom Brotherhood brings together men of the congregation in social, philanthropic and intellectual pursuits. Brotherhood members volunteer to support temple services, holiday observances and special events. With more than 100 members and an annually elected board, Brotherhood is a vital component of Temple Shalom and the tri-county communities-at-large.
Regular Brotherhood events appear on the temple calendar. These include our annual Casino Night fundraiser, the largest of its kind in the area. We hold regular Texas Hold’ Em tournaments, an annual bus tour, and an annual golf tournament. In addition to monthly program meetings, Brotherhood hosts an annual Spousal Appreciation Breakfast and jointly sponsors a 4th of July Indoor Picnic with Sisterhood. Brotherhood’s contribution to the vibrancy of temple life is recognized each year with a special Shabbat service.
We welcome and encourage new ideas, and we strive to meet changing needs, wishes and desires. We invite you to join us, to deepen friendships, enhance your temple experience, and reap the rewards of Brotherhood. We look forward to meeting you. Email brotherhood@tscfl.org for more information about joining.