Temple Shalom
of Central Florida

Interfaith Service of Hope
Interfaith Peace Partners are happy to announce their next monthly event, an Interfaith Service of Hope. It will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 7:00 pm and last about 50 minutes.
Our Service of Healing in July was well-attended and well received.
This month we increased the participant limit and now have capacity for the first 300 who log in so, please invite your fellow congregants and friends.
Once again the Service will be comprised of music, and prayers or scriptural readings from the Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Baha’i Faith traditions. We trust it will be an uplifting program and again bring us all together in unity.
The program scheduled to appear:
Pastor Rani Abdulmasih to “MC”
Fred Heller - Hope Lutheran Church
Temple Shalom – Dennis Roth
Susan Feinberg - Introduction to music
Music – Somewhere Over the Rainbow – Michelle Uss
Imam Shady Alshorman – Clermont Islamic Center of S Lake County
Pastor Derick Dimry – New Song Community Church
Music – Turn, Turn, Turn – Bonnie Williams (North Lake Presbyterian) & Bill Davis (Villages Pops Chorus)
Silent moment of Reflection
Rev Janet Onnie – Tri-County Unitarian Universalist Church
Jacquie Latzer – Baha’i Faith
Music - video of Billy Joel’s song “For the longest time” but words changed to fit these covid-19 times.
Pastor Rani Abdulmasih – Closing remarks
Program Planning Committee
Adonica Aune, Susan Feinberg, Linda Goldsmith, Jacquie Latzer Phyllis Kalter, Michelle Uss. and Jeff Jagmin.
Here is the Zoom Link for the Program.
The waiting room will open up at 6:45 PM.
Topic: Interfaith service
Time: Aug 25, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time
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