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Women of Reform Judaism


Temple Shalom Sisterhood is now a member of the Women of Reform Judaism [WRJ]. Sherry Elias is Sisterhood ‘s Liason to WRJ. All paid up members of Sisterhood are members of WRJ for this year. In November, WRJ is holding a Biennial in Orlando. We will be telling everyone shortly about the Biennial.

In June, WRJ-50th Assembly Kick-off is being held in Tampa, Florida on Sunday, June 28th from Noon-3:00pm. There will be a complimentary vegetarian lunch and entertainment by the Bay Area Cantorial Association. This is a wonderful opportunity for Sisterhood members to get to know WRJ and to make contacts with Sisterhood members from the South East District which includes Palm Harbor,Tampa, Ocala and Oxford Florida.

We look forward to Sisterhood’s participation in WRJ and to our chance to contribute to their many events and activities.If you would like to join us and sign up for the car pool to Tampa, please email

Miriam Jersky, Sisterhood President



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